Tuesday 13 July 2010

Pandora's Briefcase

A chance mention of one of my more obscure hobbies months ago to Lee at  quityourdayjob.com.au has come back to haunt me.  He recently mentioned the hobby again - I must admit to being very impressed he remembered - and this has prompted me to consider blogging about it.  It might prompt me to actually furnish this somewhat spartan blog with a few more regular entries!  We'll see.  

For those who know me it will only reinforce the opinion that I'm a bit of a nut-case. That's life. You may actually know already what is contained within... this briefcase:

I'm thinking that each week I'll open up the ol' briefcase, and select an item from within to write a short piece about.  It will no doubt be dull and boring... but that's just how I'm rolling at the mo!

So what do you think? What lurks within?

Creepy, crawly, slimy things, that stick on to your skin... Horrid beasts with tentacles, that want to pull you in... Squirmy worms, slugs and snails, that lie there in a goo... They'll wait down there forever, 'till they get their hands on you... Stay away from that trapdoor, 'Cos there's something down there...


  1. OK, now I'm intrigued.

    Do you collect severed mole heads?

  2. *settles down to wait with popcorn*

  3. I wonder what you've pilfered from the MIB?

  4. Shhhh Dan! In this fine land of ours they wouldn't be just any moles... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsupial_mole

    Snuva, some of the contents do indeed look like pilferings from the MIB!

    So, with chibbylick settled down with her popcorn, how long do I drag this out before presenting the first item for your perusal?

  5. Oh man I hope it's A-Team figurines...

    Actually no I don't I can't wait to see though!!!

  6. The suspense is killing us ...
